Today I have just completed 3 out of 4 days of First Week, which is the official name for orientation at Luther Seminary. So far the week has been filled with an incredible amount of information, meeting new and engaging people, and having interesting experiences. My brain seems to be filled to the brim and I have not even begun classes yet! (I guess it didn't take much.) :)
The great thing about being a Seminarian is that no one expects you to have all of the answers. In fact, they assume that you will make plenty of mistakes. I learned that when in doubt of an answer to anyone's questions you can always use the phrase, "Right now, I am in the process of discerning..." This works for a multitude of questions including large ideas such as, "what you are going to do with your life?" as well as small matters including, "what are you going to eat for lunch?" I urge you to try it out sometime in your own life.
In all seriousness, its been a great week. Its been amazing to see all of the people that God has called here from so many different places and walks of life. Today my discussion group 'Neighbors in Faith' went to visit a variety of places of worship throughout the metro area. We visted a Buddhist Temple, a multi-cultural Christian Church, and a Hindu Temple. Imagine finding all of these places in Minnesota! Learning about Hinduism and Buddhism gave us some perspective on our own Christian faith, and seeing the way Christians from different countries and languages were able to worship together at Trinity Lutheran was inspiring.
I also joined the campus choir which has been a great experience. It feels so great to sing in a choir again! Yesterday in worship we sang the hymn, "When the Poor Ones" and it was beautiful. And now I'm off to do a little homework. Homework already, I know!
God's Peace
So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5
Sounds like you had a good week. The choir is certainly blessed to have you. Thanks for the updates. And I hope you had a restful weekend.
ReplyDeleteI love your comments on "I'm in the process of discerning..." What a great line and so true that it could be used for a multitude of things. I plan on taking your challenge and using it as much as it seems necessary. I mean, who really has all of the answers to the questions we are asked daily?! Not me. Love the advice and the updates. :)