Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Semester!

Well my second semester is off and running at Luther Seminary. I have a full load of new classes that are keeping me busy. Classes I am taking this semester are: Hebrew, Confessional Writings of the Lutheran Church, History of the Reformation of the Church, Pentateuch, and Biblical and Theological Foundations for the Missional Church. Wow, some classes have really long names!
So far its just been exciting to be back on campus. I have a new room that I am staying in in Bockman Hall. I have been here since j-term. It's great to be in Bockman because it is full of students. The visitors dorm that I was staying in before only had three other people on the floor, so this is a nice change. I will be on campus Tuesday-Thursday this semester. I've begun to form some close relationships with my classmates. I'm even staying next to a few women who share my ridiculous love for the TV show The Bachelor! So all in all, life is good. :)

I lift my eyes up to the mountains-
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121